

2014 Wrap-Up Release

THE WOODLANDS, TX, December 28, 2014 – Gordy Bunch and The Woodlands Financial Group surged to positions amongst the top business and community leaders in The Woodlands and Montgomery County in 2014 achieving record results and civic contributions:


Gordy Bunch Garners Corporate & Community Honors

The Woodlands, TX, November 10, 2014 – Richard “Gordy” Bunch, founder, president, and CEO of TWFG Insurance Services was re-elected during the November 4 General Election to The Woodlands Township Board of Directors at position one. As the only unopposed candidate in the four-position election, Bunch received 16,045 votes, the most for any single Township director since the Township’s founding in 2010. He also serves the nation’s premier master-planned community as chairman of The Woodlands Convention and Visitors Bureau which reported mid-year sales tax results of $30,915,238 and Hotel Tax revenues of $4,657,172.


Gran Fondo Makes Record Donations

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TWFG Member Companies Support Healthy Living and Active Lifestyles

The Woodlands Financial Group (TWFG) and its founder, president and CEO, Richard “Gordy” Bunch III, based in The Woodlands, Texas, believe healthy living is the greatest contribution a company can make to its community and its residents. As a matter of business and community support, TWFG contributes to a general group of large and small charities. But TWFG corporate, TWICO Homeowners Insurance, and TWFG Insurance Services focus in supporting organizations and events that promote good health and active living. By sponsoring high-profile events that encourage physical fitness, TWFG also demonstrates that it is directly benefitting current and potential policy holders and their families. Gordy believes: “Doing well by doing good,” is a truism, as well as an axiom,”


TWFG Surges in National Agency Rankings; Tops all Texas Agencies

The Woodlands, TX – Nov. 20, 2014 – The Woodlands Financial Group (TWFG) Insurance Services is now ranked in the top 10 of the nation’s privately-held “Top 50 Personal Lines” insurance agencies, according to an industry ranking source, Insurance Journal. Richard “Gordy” Bunch, TWFG president and CEO, received notice that TWFG is ranked number eight of the 38,000 Property and Casualty agencies in the U.S. and number one of all comparable agencies in Texas based on its total P/C revenue of $40,690,500 in 2013.


Vote For TWFG as The Best Insurance Agency or Agent For The 2015 Best Of The Woodlands

It’s that time of year again to vote for the Best of The Woodlands! Last year, TWFG took the second place spot in the Best Insurance Agency or Agent category and voting began February 1st and ends February 28th. We are under Banks and Financial Services, Best Insurance Agency and Agent.

Please take some time to vote for TWFG by clicking on the link below:

Best of The Woodlands Voting 2015


Insurance Heroes

A SHINING STAR: Like any shining star, it is difficult to pinpoint which facet shines brightest when we attempt to describe Richard “Gordy” Bunch III. When peering at the heavens through a telescope, it is the convergence of a multitude of luminescent facets that illuminates each star for us. Similarly, the individuals we dare to see as “American Heroes,” worthy of our special recognition, are made up of many facets in their chosen field. Gordy Bunch is a multitasking master. Aside from the fact that, at age 42, Gordy Bunch has protected our sovereign borders, founded an innovative nationally-ranked insurance services agency, and that he simultaneously serves as an effective public servant for his community, being a hero appears to be a perennial, albeit unintentional, natural state for Richard “Gordy” Bunch.


2015 TWFG Agent Convention

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